Facility design enhancement plan

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Amongst the myriad of sports venues across the world, these project choses and explores on four sport venues, as well as studies on the venue that has the most potentiality for enhancement. The ambiance in the four stadiums are unique and have immerse historical significance comprising standards that cannot be concealed. With the new wave of architects, there has been dynamic sport environments such as Maracanã Stadium, Michigan Stadium, Murumbi stadium and Ohio stadium across the world. These four stadiums chosen in this projects are among the world notable stadiums that can hold large crowds of a spectators for football. To begin with, Maracana stadium is a football stadium in Brazil with an arena and was opened in 1950 for FIFA world cup.

The construction of Maracana Stadium was immense and received worldwide recognition for the massive capacity it could hold. It can hold a capacity of 78,838 and this is immense and since the world cup is a vast international event it is an incredible site to be hold. Recently some of the Olympic games were staged in the stadium making it a monument that will forever be remembered. The renovations made to prepare for the Rio 206 Olympic was intense as it had to be standardized. The most impressive renovation was the platform or the stadium roof which was replaced with a fiber tensioned membrane. The stadium is a significant tribute in Brazil, but in the past it had security issue concerns and with the constant renovations it was appropriate to understand why it was not an effective study to follow.

Michigan stadium is the largest sports venue in Nation of United States. It officially has a capacity of 107601 but has a history of overcrowding during the major events. The stadium is immense with the design and is a stadium that holds various events such as the NHL winter classic in 2014. Its diverse accommodation makes it a facility that incorporates any event due to its advanced enabled facility that has undergone various renovations which was previously opposed by the fans, and alumni due to its cultural significance. Due to its inability to cater for the disabled the stadium received a lawsuit and this made the stadium vulnerable. The expansion plan was made but had to cater for the disabled. Michigan is a remarkable structure with a good history but because it is not open to general public for exercising, drop in photo ops and walk in tours, it has an inability to get community support.

The capacity of Murumbi stadium 67,052 and this was minimal attendance as compared to 138,032 which was recorded in 1977.The stadium is located in Sao Paulo,Brazil, and is recognized for its concerts which are mainly held in the stadium for its large capacity threshold. Its design was developed according to regulations of track and field and does not adhere to stadium requirements. Its facility was recently renovated and were a sight to behold because of the 2016 Olympics but much needs to be done about the stadium.

The facility selected for the project is a stadium that is located in Ohio State University. It is known as the Ohio State stadium or better known as the horseshoe stadium built by Harley as it is commonly referred. Its striking resemblance to a horse shoe defined its architecture thus the name and its appearance is a sight to behold as a structure that will be recognized for ages to come. The structure itself is a sight to behold with a stadium acreage of 14.5 acres and can be expanded due to its massive landscape. Its intimidating and intimate structure has been a home venue to the Ohio state buckeyes football team and Ohio state university marching band (Ammon ,2004). The venue is unique as it has become a monument to college football and with various events taking place over the years it’s an ideal structure to study. It’s the fourth largest campus facility in the nation and is a National register of historical places as added by the National Park Service. (Meisel ,2015). It has been ranked among the best top 25 college stadiums with a renovation costing about 194million US dollars.

The structure in itself resembles what seems as a long history of greats who have graced the terrain and the field, and have facilitated in its various renovation plans through donations. Stadiums are typically known for all types of games, sporting events, cultural events and what might fill a capacity greater than 40,000 people (Lussier, Kimball). The Ohio stadium is one such monument that can hold a capacity of 104,944. The facility is important in most towns as it holds a large number of individuals who are willing to stand by a team and support it whole heartedly.

In sports management there are factors that affect both the internal and external environment. In the case of internal factors, we consider Human, Resource, Organizational structure, management and financial strength.

Human Resource

The Construction or renovation of Ohio stadium requires an efficient workforce to help it become a modern facility. This factor is essential as knowledge, experience and the capability of organization workforce determine the factor of success.

Organizational structure

The constitution of stadium renovations has to be implemented and passed through hierarchies. In our Case the positive attitude of staff will only make the management task easier and through this the clientele will appreciate the success. This indicates that in order for the facility to operate at its full capacity the board of directors in charge has to be swift and individual who are able to make good decisions.


The facility enhancement will be funded mainly through the sale of hospitality suites and club seats which will cover almost 20 percent of the costs. The 20% will also be covered by naming rights, gifts, and money from additional tickets availability plus concessions and merchandise revenues and bonds. The other 60% will be funded by the Department of Athletics which is self-supporting which can be proven by last year’s transfer of more than $35to the university. The funds can also be increased to cover other costs which will depend on the amount of donations received from well-wishers and supporters of the club and the university (Singla, 2009). Recently the Ohio stadium alcohol rules were changed for after a research was done on the impact of alcohol sale at football games. The sale has been implemented in 2016 to raise $50,000 fund that will enhance further research done by Ohio State University Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse and prevention recovery. The revenue raised from the sale of alcohol this football season shall fund two new full-time positions in the Ohio State police department, at a cost of $300,000. Any remaining revenue shall go to the athletic department’s general budget.

Enhancement plan

The facility will limit the use of some facilities especially in the 2016 season where some seats will not be available in the seasonal tickets (Thornton 2013). This will not affect the individuals willing to buy per game tickets as some of the seats will be affected thus will not be for sale. The construction process will begin on one side and will not affect the facility in general as ongoing games shall be viewed as the calendar suggest thus will not limit the lay. The only difference will be the capacity that the stadium holds will not be as great as previous years due to the unavailability of some resources or facilities (Lussier, Kimball).

Some exits such as SR-315 north and South and 1-71 north and south might be inaccessible while the construction is taking place but alternative exits will be given on the ticket passes. Certain sections of the parking lot can be redesigned and used as shelter with the assistance of the state of Ohio. This will be organized through the emergency program and code set about by the stadium management in case the need arises. Certain suites will be converted into shelters while the area adjacent will also be given extra equipment’s to assist where necessary.

Time line

The design and building process will be completed in the fall which will mainly deal with the expansion of certain areas of the stadium (Thornton 2013). The implementation of the lighting, sound and Television system will be an ongoing process until the end of spring when the process will be completed. On the expansion of the seats and integration of the university suits will begin in 2018 season so as not to interfere with season. This will be completed in October 2018 so as to adhere with codes of conduct for architectural designs. The turf will be integrated as an ongoing process together with the design and building process.

External Factors include: Competition or market, technology, Climate change, Media and legal.


The strength of a competition has in the past been changing drastically. In the case of Ohio Stadium, the above mentioned facilities are some of its competitors. The Michigan stadium has the largest capacity of any in the United States. It is regarded as a structure that has defined time and through its constant upgrades it is still the largest. Thus for Ohio to be regarded as a modern state facility it has to change marketing strategies, product lines and prices.

The enhancements according to (Ammon ,2004) underlined are as result from the structural significance it has observed over the years. The enhancements are as a result of improvements that will make it more acknowledge but still maintaining the traditional spirit of Ohio stadium that dates back in 1920s. According to statistics its visually the first stadium that was built on concrete as a double deck stadium.

Maintaining the solid structure is crucial and thus renovations have to be implemented to facilitate its growth over the next couple of centuries. That it is important to restore and re-coat the 94-year-old concrete on the C-deck which was an additional platform thus requires frequent restoration. The transitions spaces should be regularly being improved to accommodate entertainment plazas, sidewalks and parking lots such is the case with Ohio stadium. Ohio stadium should increase its concourses to become wider by 20% to allow for a larger area that can support an effective security check up.

Permanent lighting is essential in all the concourses to increase visibility to people who might not have a clear view of the stadium. The B-deck should upgrade its lighting system to facilitate help individuals who have seats get a clear view of the whole arena. This enhancement will be critical especially in the northeast and south east corners of the stadium (Thornton 2013). The visibility should be enough to allow such areas to see the matches or events being held in the stadium without straining and will assist in increasing the vantage point. In the past the press boxes have been reduced to increase the seating capacity of the stadium to a maximum.

It has been noted that most university suites are never full to capacity especially on matches that are regarded as low. This suite can be consolidated into one University suit and the remaining space can be used to increase about 18 luxury suites as well as few loge boxes. The remaining space can be used as a way of increasing the seating capacity of the deck to allow more people to have better seats and a better view


Technological change has been rapid and is a constant pressure enhancer in most modern day facilities. The delivery of service depends mainly on how advanced the facility has been over the last couple of years. The risk of loss of market share is affected by this external factor thus the need for change (Singla, 2009).

The board should incorporate a system that has a smaller screen underneath the larger screen to display score updates or advertisements. The feature was previously installed but as per games the advertisements should be minimal to create an environment of the game itself. It should not only be limited to the score board but television screen should be placed on the northeastern and south eastern side to create a room for participants who cannot view the field match clearly. An efficient turf surface should be put from wall to wall which should which should include panels that allow air structure, beam foundations and electrical connection boxes and air ducts to remain hidden from view of illusion of a natural turf surface.

The rise of the internet has been a shock wave and has undergone rapid and significant change. The social media has been a buzz if activity and organizational facilities are using these mediums to sell their services. The Ohio stadium Football team has been receiving recognition because of its famed social media platforms. The newspapers, Commercials and radio transition have significantly boosted its market share. This however does not have a significant impact compared to the likes of Michigan stadium.

This is good design but with revenue generation taking its toll, it would be advisable that they increase the press boxes to cater for demand of reporters. Marketing and advertising is necessary, increasing the number of press boxes increase the chances of wide area coverage and source full income (Meisel ,2015). The surround system should also be upgraded to enhance an intensify crowd enthusiasm during matches. The scoreboard should be upgraded to bring about a better dimension on the replays, graphics and animations projected as the match goes on.


Legislations are changing constantly and with stadium management regulations it is imperative to be always on the alert. Legal implications might be from lawsuits from clienteles who were not pleased from the service, fines implicated due to rowdiness of the crowd or certain laws that prohibit actions for constructions or buildings. To prevent such law suits the company has provided certain codes that should be adhered to strictly and incase of any offence the management is not liable (Singla, 2009).

The Stadium is easily accessible as the parking passes have directions guiding a guest to his/her required seat. There are traffic control officers who guide guests while entering the Ohio state area and this is efficient in preventing traffic in the streets (Meisel, 2015). The parking space is available on first come first serve basis which is appropriate in managing the north and south side of the system as no parking space will be left empty (Ammon ,2004). RV lets are booked on line and are enforced under some strict regulations that help monitor an individual who might try to occupy additional parking lots.

The stadium maintains a strict code of conduct in alcohol consumption with specific areas that sell alcohol and are not to be brought in the stadium itself. The follow guidelines of Ohio State and the Ohio State alcohol policy which limits the amount of alcohol intake and can be cut off if deemed a nuisance to other revelers. This is a general space reserved for the alcohol consuming fans and is not in any way destructing or adjacent to the seats of the stadium.

The luxury suites should be standard suites that should have a dedicated concourse and in order to improve cleanliness and odor control the restrooms should be removed and centralized to improve cleanliness.

What justification can you make to support these enhancements? Does the community need them and how do they benefit?

The enhancements will upgrade the facility into modern venue with the incorporation of technological advancements making it a monument to remember. This enhancement will protect from overcrowding as seats will be available all season long even when the prestigious games are playing. The enhancements will upgrade the facility and it will be recognized as one of the best stadiums in the nation. The Ohio stadium is a Historical place and with constant renovations it shall remain so, such enhancements help it to redefine its monumental structure. The enhancements will upgrade the stadium into a modern facility with the ability to incorporate major technological advancement. Increasing the capacity will limit overcrowding as this is the most crucial way to reduce unnecessary injuries and better coverage of the matches. The community will generally gain from such facility by advertising the Ohio state culture it’s surrounding and will act as a strategic marketing platform to generate more income for the state.

More programs will be funded and through such an expansion the Ohio state university will advance its curriculum and will increase the number of students being incorporated. (Lussier,, Kimball) Fans have also been requesting according to Ohio journals that upgrading seating options would be essential to provide a better platform for families, visitors and all individuals to have a clear vantage point as they enjoy the matches.



Ammon, R., Et.al. (2004). Sport Facility Management: Organizing Events and Mitigating

Risks (2nd ed.). Michigan: The University of Michigan

Aswathappa, K. (2005). Human Resource and Personnel Management. USA: Tata McGraw-Hill


Lussier, R., & Kimball, D. (n.d.). Applied Sport Management Skills 2nd Edition With Web

Study Guide (1st ed.). Human Kinetics.

Meisel, Z. (2015). The Ohio State Buckeyes Fans’ Bucket List (Vol. 1). Ohio: Triumph Books

Nelson, M. (2013). American Sports: A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas [4 Volumes]: A

History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas. ABC-CLIO.

Thornton, P. (2013). Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals (1st ed.). Jones &


SINGLA, R. K. (2009). Business Management (1st ed.). India: India Enterprises.p.3-12

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