Discuss your selected Key ‘Globalization and Culture’ term. You should explain why you are interested in the term, an explanation of the term, a summary of the germane current literature, and specifically how this relates to Globalization and Culture.As you read the chapters assigned to each week, you will find some concepts more interesting and applicable to your personal or work situation than others. Review the key terms listed in the assigned chapters; then, choose a key term that you wish to write on for your thread.Thread (600 words minimum)After you have successfully chosen the key term that interests you the most, research a minimum of 5 recent international business/management articles that relate to the concept on which you wish to focus your research. Articles must be found in reputable professional and/or scholarly journals and/or business/trade journals that deal with the content of the course (i.e., not blogs, Wikipedia, newspapers, etc.).  After reading the articles, select the 1 article that you wish to discuss.1. Key Term and Why You Are Interested in It (100 words minimum)After reading the textbook, specifically state why you are interested in conducting furtherresearch on this key term (e.g., academic curiosity, application to a current issue relatedto employment, or any other professional rationale). Include a substantive reason, notsimply a phrase.2. Explanation of the Key Term (100 words minimum)Provide a clear and concise overview of the essentials relevant to understanding this keyterm.3. Major Article Summary (200 words minimum)Using your own words, provide a clear and concise summary of the article, including themajor points and conclusions.4. DiscussionIn your own words, discuss each of the following points:a. How the cited work relates to your above explanation AND how it relatesspecifically to the content of the assigned module. This part of your threadprovides evidence that you have extended your understanding of this key termbeyond the textbook readings. (100 words minimum)b. How the cited work relates to the other 4 works you researched. This part of yourthread provides evidence that you have refined your research key term to acoherent and specialized aspect of the key term, rather than a random selection ofworks on the key term. The idea here is to prove that you have focused yourresearch and that all works cited are related in some manner to each other ratherthan simply a collection of the first 5 results from your Internet search. (100words minimum)5. ReferencesA minimum of 3 recent articles (as described above), in current APA format, must beincluded and must contain persistent links so others may have instant access.

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International Business


In the world today, different organizations and institutions engage in different approaches with the main aim of maximizing profits of the business. In addition, these organizations also adopt the use of different approaches in order to ensure that the objectives and goals of the business are achieved. In order to ensure that business organizations and institutions are able to increase the operations and attain their short and term objectives, one of the major approaches that businesses adopt is the expansion of business operation into the international market. These organizations develop different strategies for establishing more success and operation in developed countries such as Canada where business operations are conducted efficiently and effectively. They find ways to implement these strategies in order to allow them expand their business operations and increase earnings. In addition, in order to fit well, these organizations also customize all their approaches so as to be in context with the developed countries. Educational institutions are some of the major institutions globally that have adopted the expansion of their business operations internationally with an aim of attaining profits as well as the achievement of other desired goals and objectives such as fulfillment of visions and missions. The Australian education providers are some of the major academic institutions today that are aiming to expand their business operations globally in order to increase their profits and fulfill other core objectives. Bearing this in mind, the aim and purpose of this report therefore is to provide a recommendation to an Australian based education provide a recommendation on how to establish and operate a successful online education business in Canada that focus on creating awareness on the issue of sustainability. This report will also provide an analysis of a major PESTEL factor that that may affect the establishment of this international business.

Key Organizations/Institutions for Strategic Partnerships

The establishment of an international business operation is one of the major ways of expanding a business and ensuring the attainment of profitable gains and other core objectives (Mytelka, 1991). However, despite the fact that many organizations, especially academic institutions would like to venture into the international world, there are various factors that may affect this approach and as a result causing a challenge towards its accomplishment. In order to succeed in the increasingly competitive internationalization field, learning institutions, usually find it advantageous, to develop strategic partnership with key organizations and institutions in order to expand their activities, enhance existing offerings, increase profits, and attain other core objectives. Institutions and organizations approach international partnerships strategically as they become increasingly particular about which partnerships to develop, with whom and for what purpose and as a result leading to partnerships that can easily be implemented (Chou, 2012). Therefore, for an educational provider based in Australia to be able to establish a successful online education business in the competitive education field in Canada, it is advantageous for the Australian education provider to develop and establish strategic partnerships with key organizations and institutions in order to increase their profits and while also achieving the goal of creating better awareness about sustainability.

In orders to increase their profits and while also achieving the goal of creating better awareness about sustainability, establishing strategic partnerships with key donor organizations in one of the major ways for Australian education provider to establish a successful online education business in the competitive education field in Canada. Donors provide technical and financial assistance to help partner countries and as they design, develop and implement their different education strategies. In regard to this, it is therefore clear that, donor organizations play a significant role in the coordination of partnerships in local education groups, as well as in the monitoring and elaboration of education programs and strategies (Luo et al., 2018)Apart from this, they also contribute to various sources of funding to education on a bilateral base, and through other means such as the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) fund. In so doing, donors are able to providing sufficient funding to enable an educational provider based in Australia to be able to establish a successful online education business in the competitive education field in Canada. In the process, the company will be able to increase profits in running its business without challenges while also creating awareness in Canada on the issue of sustainability.

For an educational provider based in Australia to be able to establish a successful online education business in the competitive education field in Canada, there is need to observe the PESTEL element of legal environment in Canada. In Canada, the legal environment observes rights of employees by protecting these rights in law. The Canadian Human right Act (CHRA) protects employees by prohibiting any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, and age. Also, the legal environment communicates some of the minimum standards in terms of laws and regulations in order to regulate the businesses conducted in accordance to priorities set by the Canadian government (Hamel, 1991). Therefore, in order to ensure that employees are protected, the educational provider based in Australia should develop a strategic relationship with the Canadian Human right Act (CHRA) to protect its employees from any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, and age. In addition, Salimova (2014) indicates that, by establishing a strategic partnership with Canadian organizations such as Canadian e-Learning Enterprise Alliance (CeLEA) whose aim is to enable companies in Canada to increase its share of the revenue that come from increased growth worldwide market in e-leaning, the educational provider based in Australia will be able to establish a successful online education business in the competitive education field in Canada and as a result increasing their profits while creating awareness on the issue of sustainability.


In summary, profit maximization and the attainment of other organizational goals are some of the major important factors for the success of the business. Therefore, bearing this in mind, it is important to note that different organizations and institutions engage in different approaches with the main aim of maximizing profits of the business. In addition, these organizations also adopt the use of different approaches such as formation of strategic relationships with government institutions in order to ensure that the objectives and goals of the business are achieved. In other words, different business organizations globally find various ways to implement these strategies in order to allow them expand their business operations, increase earnings, and attain other major objectives such as creation of awareness of sustainability. In addition, in order to achieve this, these organizations also customize all their approaches so as to be in context with the developed countries which form the number one priority location for their markets.

In Australia, educational institutions are some of the major institutions globally that have adopted the expansion of their business operations internationally with an aim of attaining profits as well as the achievement of other desired goals and objectives such as fulfillment of visions and missions. Despite the fact that many organizations, especially academic institutions would like to venture into the international world in order to increase their profits while attaining their missions and objectives, there are various factors that may affect their approaches and as a result causing a challenge towards its accomplishment. In order to face some of these challenges and succeed in the competitive internationalization environment, learning institutions, usually find it advantageous, to develop strategic partnership with key organizations and institutions in order to expand their activities, enhance existing offerings, increase profits, and attain other core objectives. For instance, for an educational provider based in Australia to be able to establish a successful online education business in the competitive education field in Canada, there is need establish strategic partnerships with key donor organizations in Canada. This is due to the fact that donors provide technical and financial assistance to help partner countries and as they design, develop and implement their different education strategies. In so doing, the educational provider based in Australia will be able to increase profits in running its business without challenges while also creating awareness in Canada on the issue of sustainability.

Apart from this, for organizations to be able to successful expand their business operations internationally, the primary element factor to consider in PESTEL analysis is the legal environment. An educational provider based in Australia should observe the legal environment of Canada which protects right of employees by law and also prohibits any form of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity race, and age. Therefore, in order to ensure that employees are protected, the educational provider based in Australia should develop a strategic relationship with the Canadian Human right Act (CHRA) to protect its employees from any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, and age. Also, the educational provider based in Australia should observe the minimum standards that are set by Canadian government in terms of laws and regulations and abide to them so that their business operations are carried out in accordance to the priorities which are set by the Canadian government.


Chou, D. C. (2012). Building a successful partnership in higher education

institutions. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 6(1), 84-97.

Hamel, G. (1991). Competition for competence and interpartner learning within international

strategic alliances. Strategic management journal, 12(S1), 83-103.

Luo, J. M., Chau, K. Y., Lam, C. F., Huang, G. Q., & Kou, I. T. (2018). Attitudes of

undergraduate students from university–industry partnership for sustainable development: A case study in Macau. Sustainability, 10(5), 1378.

Mytelka, L. K. (Ed.). (1991). Strategic partnerships: States, firms, and international competition.

Associated University Presse.

Salimova, T., Vatolkina, N., & Makolov, V. (2014). Strategic partnership: Potential for ensuring

the university sustainable development. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 18(1), 107-124.

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