Week 1 Progress ReportPosting weekly progress reports is important for marking attendance and maintaining enrollment in the course. Additionally, posting will serve as a reminder to keep making progress on your dissertation work. Each week, you will need to report the progress you have made towards completing course milestones.The purpose of this “self-report” is to maintain accountability and focus, helping you keep the dissertation process on your individual calendar. An important key to successfully completing a dissertation is to keep moving forward with tasks.For Week 1, review the course milestones and deliverables associated with each of the milestones. In addition, review the suggested course completion schedule your chair has placed in the announcement area. Your discussion this week should focus on the creation of a “Work Plan.” Your plan should address: What do you need to accomplish? What are the steps? When will you do them? You will need to post this plan in the Progress Report Discussion Area by the due date assigned. You should respond to any questions your chair or committee members have prior to the end of the academic week.

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