Part 1 and Part 2 must be at least 150 – 200 words unless otherwise noted. Please read all attachments and follow all instructions.Part 1: Regulation and the Greater GoodAfter viewing The Crisis of Credit Visualized, respond to each of the following:Ø How could government regulations have prevented or mitigated the credit crisis of 2008?Ø Discuss whether too much governmental regulation of business or too little governmental regulation of business presents the greater danger to:the greater goodbusinessPart 2: Administrative Law and BusinessSome argue that government needs to increase its regulation of business for the good of society as a whole. Others believe that the marketplace is self-regulating and that government intervention through needless regulation places an unfair, costly burden on businesses in general and on small businesses in particular.Ø What role do you believe government regulation should play to ensure ethical conduct by businesses?Ø How do different political viewpoints potentially shape the answer to this question?Supplemental ResourcesThis unit deals with contract and elements of same. Please watch at your convenience. ResourcesTextSeaquist, G. (2012). Business law for managers [Electronic version]. Retrieved from read the following chapters in: Business law for managers:Ø Chapter 5: Administrative LawØ Chapter 9: Contracts, Part I: Introduction and FormationØ Chapter 10: Contracts, Part II: The UCCØ Chapter 11: Contracts, Part III: Risk of Loss Rules, NegotiatingØ Contracts, and Working with an AttorneyMultimediaThe Crisis of Credit Visualized (Links to an external site.) on Vimeo. (n.d.). Vimeo, Your Videos Belong Here. Retrieved October 19, 2012, from