Ethical theories are a relevant issue when looking at leadership. Moral flexibility of leadership approaches will imply that different reasons are used for different theories at different times during a law enforcement career (Dion, Michel, 1970). Not all theories will be able to be applied for all situations that a law enforcement officer will face. These theories will be evolved over time, and then once “mastered” an officer would be able to successfully use the theories in their leadership roles.When individuals find themselves in a decision-making situation when ethics are in play, there are a variety of ethical theories (decision rules) which provide decision-making guidance as individuals strive to make ethically correct answers (Chonko, 2012). With that being said each law enforcement officer will have to make sure that they (themselves) are following the ethic code. Before accusing another law enforcement officer of doing something ethically wrong the accusing officer needs to make sure that no backfire could happen to them.respond to this discussion question in 150 words