***********************PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS******************IntroductionThis week, you are learning about the law of ideas, trademark, copyright, right of publicity,patent, trade secret, and information privacy. Our industry is full of rumors about intellectual property; your job is to select a common myth and research to find the truth.ObjectivesExplain intellectual property and personality rights.Assignment InstructionsAfter viewing the materials in the Week 1 Overview page, select one of the topics below and conduct the required research. Submit a Word/Pages document (or you can post the work as text in the Feedback area below) containing at least 3 paragraphs of substantive comment as described below.This The Topic I SelectTopic 3. I filed my corporation so I own the name. Research and write 1 paragraph each (3 total) on (1) the difference between a company name, a fictitious name and a brand name (trademark) (2) difference between registering your company with the state and registering your trademark with the US Patent & Trademark Office and (3) description of a “trademark clearance search” and why it should be done before selecting a company name. End with a concluding statement about the myth vs reality.

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