CRJ 110 – Module 8 Homework AssignmentPART I: ESSAYDirections: Answer the question below. Your response should be at least one page in length.1. Review the websites listed below to learn more about future trends in crime and lawenforcement’s response to that crime. Write an essay that predicts the changing nature ofcrime and explains effective law enforcement responses to crime in the twenty-firstcentury. Be sure to include the following information in your essay: (1) What types ofcrimes will be the most prevalent?; (2) How will new technologies affect law enforcementand individual rights?; (3) How will police departments and prosecutorial agencies respondto new vanguards in criminal justice?; (4) Do traditional notions of “jurisdiction” andnational boundaries hinder the ability to investigate crimes in the new “cyberworld?”; and(5) Discuss the current trends in both violent crimes and property crimes, and project futurecrime trends based on your research and observations.•••• II: COURSE PROJECT: CRIMES AND THEORIES(Compilation of Modules 1-8)Directions: This course project will include a written component for each module that will beturned in at the end of the course in Module 8. Criminology is the study of crime and criminalbehaviors based on theory. Your textbook defines a theory as a series of interrelatedpropositions that attempts to describe, explain, predict, and ultimately control some class ofevents. A theory gains explanatory power from inherent logical consistency and is “tested” byhow well it describes and predicts reality. To assist you with this project, the textbook definestheories throughout. The theories associated with criminology can be applied to the crimes wesee committed in the news each week. Thus, this course project will involve locating two crimes(one in your local or nearly surrounding communities and one national) and applying the crimesyou locate to one of the theories learned in this course.For example: Situational Choice Theory could be related to a crime of robbing a person becausethis type of crime often depends on the situation involved, such as a victim being in the rightplace at the right time and other factors that lends to the ability to commit the crime, includinglocation, time of day, environmental factors, and the victim being alone and in possession ofitems the offender desires.Requirements: For each module, locate a local and national crime, describe the details andsource of the crime (also be sure to keep a reference page with all the sources used throughoutthe course project). Identify an appropriate theory learned during this course, describe thetheory, and then explain how the theory relates to the crime chosen. Thus, each part should [INSERT TITLE HERE] 3require at least one paragraph as follows:1. Chosen description and details of the crime2. Chosen Theory, including definition and founder3. Explanation of how the chosen theory relates to the chosen crime.Repeat this process for each crime – one local and one national for a total of a minimum of sixparagraphs per Module. Sources of crimes include newspapers, websites, television newsstations, etc. You can use theories repeatedly for this project; however, try to use varyingtheories to demonstrate an understanding of as many course criminological theories as possible.Be sure to include APA formatting, including a cover page, in-text citations, and a referencepage (please visit the Academic Resource Center for concise APA guidelines). For each module,be sure to include the date with either Local or National next to the date as the title for thatmodule assignment. Note that there must be two titles for each module (one for local and one fornational). Grading will be in part on ensuring that the course project included both a local andnational component for each module. Thus, the final project should have a minimum of 16Crimes with Theories Applied (two per module). You will also be graded on your APAformatting, reference page, grammar, and spelling.