500 words3 sourcesAPA FormatDUE THURSWhy do computer-based crimes more likely involve some form of organized crime, rather than the actions of a single person? Provide an example to support this proposition.SOURCES1)  Bayuk, pp. 125-135 (6.2.4 Cyber Crime)2)http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/computer_and_internet_fraud3)  Review pages 352-357 from: Deterring the Spread of Viruses Online: Can Tort Law Tighten the ‘Net’? Brooks, Robin A. :Review of Litigation; Spring98, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p343, 49p (In Student Resources, Week 2)4)  Tyler Moore, Richard Clayton and Ross Anderson, The Economics of Online Crime, 23 J. Econ. Persp. 3 (2009). (In Student Resources, Week 3)5)  Richard A. Epstein and Thomas P. Brown, Cybersecurity in the Payment Card Industry, 75 U.Chi. L. Rev. 203 (2008) (In Student Resources, Week 3)6)  Rob Thomas and Jerry Martin, The Underground Economy: Priceless, 31 USENIX ;login: 6 (2006).  (In Student Resources, Week 3)7)  US Secret Service, Insider Threat Study: Illicit Cyber Activity in the Banking and Finance Sector, CERT, 2004 (In Student Resources, Week 3)8)  How to Weed Out the New Insider Cybersecurity Threat. Full Text Available Security Director’s Report. May2007, Vol. 7 Issue 5, p1-12. 5p. 1 Chart. (In Student Resources, Week 3)9)  United States v. Nosal (In Student Resources, Week 3)

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